Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Free Audiobook of the Month

Every month, ChristianAudio.com makes one of their audio books available for download for FREE. This month they have made available a book called Morning and Evening by Charles H. Spurgeon, the Prince of Preachers. It is a daily, short devotional book; one for the morning and one for the evening, for each day of the year. (Well, sort of—the book itself is for each day of the year, but this download includes 90 days… That's 3 free months though!) It's a quick read, and I know E-sword has Morning and Evening available for download for free… HOWEVER, it could be even easier to just listen to 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes at night! (Not in place of reading the Bible, of course, but in addition to it, as a way to get in more truth from the Bible!) I am thinking of cheating and looking ahead to see what Spurgeon has to say about Christmas Day… hmm…

Also, just a side note, the other free downloads I don't know much about. I do know John Piper is a great preacher, and I've heard good things about Dallas Willard, but (with my immense store of knowledge… NOT… lol) I haven't heard of the other author. But, as with anything and everything, as long as we search the Scriptures to see if what the world, our schools, and even our pastors are saying is TRUTH, we will not be led astray by believing lies! Let's be Bereans! (Acts 17:11)

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