Wednesday, December 10, 2008

You Are Free Indeed

I was looking through old journals for questions (my little brother just had a "stump the cell group leaders" night, and it made me want to go back and look for all my old unanswered questions!), when I came across this section of my Bible study/prayer. I think it would benefit me to have this up here on the blog, kind of as a form of accountability, so that when I go back to look through blog posts and I see this, I remember what I want the cry of my heart to be. So bear with me as I selfishly use this blog for my own personal (spiritual) gain.


John 13:27, 30—Judas went out IMMEDIATELY to betray Jesus. I could have been that person that immediately went out to betray Jesus. But instead He SAVED ME, and I am set free from the lies, sin, and corruption and darkness of this world… now I am free to OBEY Him, SERVE Him, LOVE Him wholeheartedly, and immediately. Do I? No. Too often I go back, like a sick dog (Proverbs 26:11), to what I've been set free from. God, Lord Jesus, break me of my sin; help me to always be broken at the sight of the cross; to hate my own sin because of what it did, what it does to You. Then when I hate my own sin, when I understand what I've been freed from, I'll be able to glory in the cross all the more… THANK YOU FOR THE CROSS!

If the Son has set you free, you are free indeed! (John 8:36)

SINCE the Son has set ME free, I AM FREE indeed!

I hope this encourages you to journal if you don't, and I hope it encourages you to look back through your journal if you do keep one! And I'm not talking about a "Dear Diary" sort of thing—I mean keeping a journal of everything that you are learning, thinking, praying, enduring spiritually.

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